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Posted on 09 Jul, 2022 08:17 am, category: Education | Motivation |

Take Action

Take Action! All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you, and only you, have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, and you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, and you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets, and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours, and only yours. Every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor, or middle class.

Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.

You and your children’s future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.

I wish you great wealth and much happiness with this fabulous gift called life.

  • - Robert Kiyosaki

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Posted on 09 Jul, 2022 08:17 am, Category:

Take Action

Take Action! All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you, and only you, have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, and you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, and you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets, and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours, and only yours. Every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor, or middle class.

Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.

You and your children’s future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.

I wish you great wealth and much happiness with this fabulous gift called life.

  • - Robert Kiyosaki

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